Protein Strawberry Hazelnut Crepes

First off, let's start with ingredients;

1 egg white
1/4 scoop bowmar Nutrition protein frosted cookie
Splash of water

1/4 cup fat free redi-whip
1 tbsp bowmar Nutrition hazelnut spread
1 1/2 tsp unsweetened almond milk .

Mix egg whites, protein frosted cookie, and splash of water together. Pour the mixture into greased frying pan and swirl the pan in circular motions until the batter thinly covers the entire pan. Let cook until bubbling begins and use spatula to flip. Cook for 10-30 more seconds and transfer to plate. Fill with fat free redi-whip and strawberry chunks. To top, put almond milk and hazelnut spread in a bowl and heat in the microwave until melted. Stir until properly combined. I put the sauce in a snipped ziplock bag and squeezed it onto the crepes to make it look pretty, but feel free to just pour it on, because it is drinkable ya’ll I swear.


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